I want a Chocolate Bar
I WANT A CHOCOLATE BAR... a great big one. I want a donut. I want ice cream. I want I want I want...
I am so careful about how I use the I AM, yet I want to say I am..... Instead let me refocus and say I feel as though there is a struggle going on within me..
Today I want to quit and just go get what society considers a normal job. Today I want to quit and indulge in really poor habits. Today I want to quit so many things... yet here I am opening my heart to you.
Sandra do you feel like quitting too?
When you sit down and think about what you would gain if you did quit certain things and take up other things, the reality is less than ideal. I know this to be true.
Instead I am thinking about how you can make your life be what you really want. By that I mean how do you want to feel in the morning when you wake up.
Imagine waking up each morning feeling empowered, energized, and ready to conquer the day. Embrace this vision and make it your reality.